CNSC administrative council visits Dongseo University in Korea for global bench learning

In its continued quest for excellence and internationalization, Camarines Norte State College administrative Council headed by its College President Dr. Rusty G. Abanto conducted bench learning in South Korea on June 16-23, 2019.  Armed with their desire to make CNSC at par with other higher education institutions in the country and its neighbouring countries, the team visited Dongseo University.  The visit generally aims exposure and immersion as a way to transform CNSC into a world class university.

The group explored Dongseo University, CNSC partner institution in South Korea.    Impressed by state-of-the-art facilities and inspired by how the departments are being managed, they had individual   experiences which they brought with them as they return to their respective college/unit. 

The bench learning is expected to open opportunities to CNSC because their most important learnings will be translated to concrete plan of actions.  Participants to the activity are required to submit tangible outputs out of the travel which at the same time supports the strategic targets of the current administration. One instant significant output of the trip was industry collaboration where CNSC established partnership with Dagam Farm through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the end of giving CNSC students in the areas of Agriculture and its allied courses an On-the-Job Training partner to apply the theories learned inside the classroom.  The MOU signing was witnessed by a representative from their city government.

Dr. Jekuk Chang, Dongseo University President was thankful to CNSC for the visit, in return, CNSC expressed profound gratitude to Dongseo University for being a generous host of CNSC’s 1st global exposure.




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