The Institute of Social Order Inc., (ISO) Executive Director Liza L. Lim Ph.D., Camarines Norte State College (CNSC) President Dr. Rusty G. Abanto represented by the Director of Social Policy and Research Center Prof. Noel C. Alegre, Central Bicol State University of Agriculture (CBSUA) President Dr. Georgina J. Bordado represented by CBSUA-Calabanga Chancellor Dr. Helen Madela and Integrated Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council (IFARMC) San Miguel Bay Chair Criscencio Gerola formed a partnership to conceptualized a study entitled, Facilitating Mangrove Management in Siruma, Camarines Sur. The study adheres to the principle of empowering the marginalized poor communities to manage their resources and to implement fishery resources and mangrove forests management.

Efforts had been undertaken for the completion of this integrated study. It started with Project Launching and MOA Signing of Tripartite Partnership on Aug 22, 2014 in ISO Office in Ateneo de Manila University. Then followed by series of partnership meetings and the conduct of Participatory Community Resource Ecological Assessment (PCREA) in Siruma, Camarines Sur. Respective responsibilities were assigned to the partner institutions, CNSC was tasked to co-write the socio-economic profile of targeted barangays in the municipality of Siruma and analyse its influence on mangrove utilization. CBSUA, -Calabanga was assigned as partner in the conduct and write up of the faunal inventory of the mangrove areas. There were intensive updating and completion of chapters, first draft was submitted for feedback to co-authors and funding institutions.

On September 22, 2017, a partnership meeting was conducted at CNSC Graduate School for the Assessment of Manuscript and Internal Critiquing Sessions. ISO Executive Director Dr. Liza Lim presented the objective of the meeting, then drafts of manuscript were distributed for reading sessions. Representatives from partner institutions presented Individual Sections of their papers for Internal Critiquing and Updating. CBSUA presented Paper 1: Floristic Composition, Structure and Diversity of Selected Mangrove Forests in Siruma, Camarines Sur; CNSC Prof. Noel C. Alegre presented- Paper 2: Prevailing Socio-Economic Conditions of Select Fishing Communities and Their Perspectives on Mangroves and Mangroves Utilization; ISO Representative – Lorenzo A. Makalintal presented Paper 3: Determination of Mangrove-Fishpond Ratio of Select Sites in Siruma, Camarines Sur. After the presentation general comments as to improvement of the paper and intensive internal review of the contents of the manuscript will be conducted before its distribution to the outside reviewers.

After this partnership meeting in CNSC, they agreed on the following schedule:

October 9 – Formal submission of CNSC writing team of their comments on the three papers presented

October 20 – Submission of CNSC writing team of the fourth draft of the socio-economic profiling paper

November 13 – Submission of ISO of the final draft of the socioeconomic paper to authors

November 27 – Public presentation of the mangrove researches @ Walter Hogan Conference Center of the ISO at Ateneo de Manila University – Loyola Campus, Quezon City.

The team is working collaboratively to its final revision and lastly its publication.

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