Application for New TES Slots AY 2024-2025 is now open
Unlocking Bright Futures View the Latest News and Updates of CNSC Application for New TES Slots AY 2024-2025 is now open By: CNSC SFAU ANNOUNCEMENTApplication for New TES Slots AY 2024-2025 is now open Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) is a grant-in-aid program under RA 10931 or Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act given to qualified students enrolled in CHED-recognized public and private higher education institutions to support at least the partial cost of tertiary education, inclusive of education-related expenses.TES Prioritization for AY 2024-2025UniFAST Board Resolution No. 2024-019 dated July 18, 2024, has approved the prioritization scheme for new Tertiary Education Subsidy (TES) applicants for Academic Year 2024-2025 onwards, in the following order:1. Students under the most updated Listahanan for all SUCs, LUCs, and Private HEIs, including other Private HEIs with no SUC/LUC or PNSL;2. Students included in the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), ranked according to household per capita income for all SUCs, LUCs, Private HEIs, including PNSLs; and3. The remaining slots are to be allocated to other poor students in PNSL, not included in the 1st and 2nd prioritization categories.What are the benefits? P20,000 per AY or P10,000 per semester for grantees enrolled in SUCs and LUCsAdditional Benefits: P10,000 per AY or P5,000 per semester for PWD TES grantees P8,000 one-time reimbursement for Board/Licensure ExaminationSTUDENTS WHO ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY: Camarines Norte State College student (any year level) Officially Enrolled this First Semester AY 2024-2025 Enrolled in a regular load NO other existing scholarship and/or grant HAVE NOT completed any bachelor’s degree Other qualifications (subject to evaluation)Students may apply via ONLINE application. The Google Form is accessible starting TODAY until 5:00 pm of JANUARY 11, 2025 only.Here are the links for the said Google form for each Colleges/Campuses:COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (CAS) OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (CBPA) OF ENGINEERING (COENG) OF COMPUTING AND MULTIMEDIA STUDIES (CCMS) OF EDUCATION (COED) OF FISHERIES AND MARINE SCIENCES (IFMS) OF AGRICULTURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES (CANR) OF TRADES AND TECHNOLOGY (COTT) CAMPUS (IABD) Submission of an application does not guarantee approval or acceptance. TES is subject to prioritization, validation, and availability of funds.Thank you.