College of Agriculture and Natural Resources View the latest information about the faculty of CANR ARLIN C. ALEGRE Director, QPRDI / Associate Professor 3 Educational Attainment Doctor of Philosophy in Plant Science Major in Horticulture Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Master of Science in Plant Protection Major in Plant Pathology Central Bicol State University of Agriculture Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Major: Plant Pathology University of the Philippines at Los Baňos About Arlene Cornel Alegre was hired as Laboratory Inspector in CNSC-Main Campus in October 1, 2003. Two years after completing her Master’s degree in 2007, she was promoted to a teaching position in 2009. Consequently, she immediately pursued her Doctoral education and completed the degree in 2013. As an instructor, she was designated to various assignments as College Secretary, Research Coordinator, College Researcher, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (April 2018 to January 2021), QPRDC Program Leader (2021- Sept. 2024), Project staff of Pili-Nicer project (Enhancing Pili Propagation and Distribution System; Geo-mapping and characterization of pili farms in four major producing provinces of Bicol region). Earlier In 2014, she authored the Establishment of the Diagnostic Laboratory at CNSC-Labo Campus (BOT Approved Agenda # 24-S2014) under the presidency of Dr. Monsito G. Ilarde. The laboratory was completed in 2016 and provides diagnostic services to thesis students, faculty, and other entities that require the same services. The Laboratory was later converted to a COVID facility during the pandemic and was not able to provide services during the period. In 2016 she was one of the faculty researchers from CNSC who worked in collaboration with the Visayas State University under a DOST-funded research program on Queen Pineapple (Enhancing Productivity and Marketability of queen pineapple). This project aroused her interest as a researcher and as a native of Camarines Norte to focus on studies on Queen Pineapple. Realizing the need for the improvement of our Queen Pineapple she authored the Establishment of Queen Pineapple Center in 2019 which was approved the following year by the NICER program under the DOST Science for Change. It was then, that the CNSC was recognized as the center of studies on Queen Pineapple in the country. The program consists of six (6) projects with a total fund of Php 26, 835,000.00 of which the last three projects will be ending in September this year. Alongside the QPRDC, she realizes the need for an appropriate research laboratory and so, in September 2020, her proposal for funding the “Facility Improvement of the QPRDC” (formerly the CNSC Diagnostic Laboratory) was approved by DOST-PCAARRD with a fund amounting to Php 5,000,000.00 (DOST AO No. 011, series of 2020 and BOT resolution No. 69 s.2022). The facility was inaugurated on April 18, 2024, and houses three laboratories- Molecular laboratory, Water and Soil Laboratory, and the existing Diagnostic laboratory. In July 2023, the BOT approved her proposal for the Institutionalization of the QPRDC (BOT Resolution No. 74 s. 2023) now referred to as the Queen Pineapple Research and Development Institute. Accordingly, she was designated as the Director of the institute effective October 25, 2023, under Board Resolution 118 s. 2023.